Get to Know your Teacher Printout!

Being a teacher is hard work! You have to be organized, learn the personalities of each student, create meaningful lesson plans and always be positive and encouraging!

My schooling is in the education field (I always wanted to be a elementary school teacher) so between my years of practicums plus volunteering hours upon hours in the school system, I know first hand how hard they work!

get to know teacher

Being a child of a teacher (my mum taught for 28 years!) also showed me the dedication it took after school hours; marking papers, creating lesson plans and cutting out crafts on the dining room table. I remember helping my mum set up her classroom in August - using ticky-tack to hang posters and colourful letters/words, organizing the books she would read to her students! Feeling proud to be her daughter that she helped grow so many minds!

With this in mind I’ve created a Get to Know your Teacher Printout!

Print it, send to you children’s teacher and request that they fill it out. Nothing says thank you buy bringing them their favourite Starbucks drink on a cold winter day (and because of this printout you’ll KNOW what their favourite Starbucks drink is!)

Happy Back to School!

What Makes an Organized Junk Drawer?!

As a Home Organizer I see a LOT of junk drawers! Or as I like to call them…Essential Drawers!

What items make up the perfect Essentials drawer? Read below to find out!

First Step is PURGE, PURGE, PURGE! Decluttering your space whether it being a bathroom, toy room or a junk drawer is to trash or donate the items you no longer need! Than sort items into categories….ie:

  • Electronics

  • Personal

  • Writing

  • Home Improvement, etc.

Second Step is Drawer Organizers! Making sure every item has a home and a place to return to after you have used it is KEY to maintaining an organized system. These drawer organizers are perfect to house pens, pencils, loose coins, hair elastics, etc.

Junk drawer organization

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Third Step! Don’t be afraid to add individual small organizers within one large to help contain smaller items so they don’t roll around or hide under notepads!

Fourth Step! Step back and admire your newly organized Essential Drawer!

Pro Tip: Here’s a list of practical items that are beneficial to have in any kitchen:

  1. Tape

  2. Pens/Pencils

  3. Pad of Paper

  4. Mabel’s Labels (use code SPARX to save 10% at Checkout!)

  5. Hair Ties/Bows & Comb

  6. Lip Balm

  7. Nail Clippers/Nail File

  8. Headphones

  9. Batteries

  10. Multipurpose Screw Driver

  11. Tape Measure

  12. Money - this one might seem odd but think of local kids sports groups raising funds for their teams

Christmas Gift Wrap Organization

The stockings are hung, the tree is lite and you’ve baked your grandma’s famous shortbread! Now what?!

Well it’s time to wrap those presents! Here are my top 3 ways I love to organize gift wrap and all the supplies that come with it! *This post contains affiliate links

  1. Behind the door storage and the IKEA Variera plastic bag holder

    Save space by utilizing hanging storage behind a closet door for tucking your gift bags. Name tags and tissue paper can be fairly flat therefore not taking up too much space! The plastic bag holder from IKEA is my favourite hack to hold wrapping paper rolls!

  2. Thin long container

    This is my go to when it comes to gift wrapping supplies! Put all your paper, tissue paper, ribbons, bows, etc. all in one slim tote! Place the smaller items into a large Ziploc bag to keep them contained within the container and store with storage or under your bed!

  3. Utility Cart

    It has wheels! You can move this gift wrapping station in and out of a closet or mudroom so easily! Add separate bins and baskets to hold all your items - one for bows, one for scissors & tape, etc. I love this option because everything can be seen at a glance and easy to grab from both sides!

Happy wrapping & Happy Holidays!